Hidden Feelings
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Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas Quotes
    Zero: As long as we have opposable thumbs, we will fight you!

    Big Smoke: Now that ain't nice. Coughio up el weedo, before I blow your brains out all over the patio!

    Woozie: I'm blind, Carl, not stupid.

    Ran Fa Li: *grunt*

    Carl: Hey, Ryder, sherm-head asshole, where do you think YOU'RE going?

    Catalina: YOU?! But Cesar said you was a REAL man!

    Last two lines of the Cluckin' Bell Commercial: I love chicken with a shitty smell
    That's why I love Cluckin' Bell!

    Announcer: Cluckin' Bell! Suffering never tasted so good!/If you're enjoying it, then the chicken didn't die in vain!

    Cluckin' Bell employee: Cluckity fuck, place your order.
    "Cock-a-doodle-doo, whaddya want?"
    "How may I further degrade myself, sir?"
    "It's all processed chicken ass."
    "The chewy bits aren't harmful, sir."
    "If you come back, you're a moron."
    "Hope you choke-a-doodle-doo."
    "Don't choke on the bone fragments."
    "You might be lucky enough to find a feather."

    Philip "PM" Michaels: Don't swing at your wife, swing with your wife. It's a whole lot better.

    The Funktipus: You hear that woman screaming in the song? That's cuz I exposed myself to her!

    PM: You know what momentum is? Get in front of this train, and you will. We're not stoppin.

    Madd Dogg's Guard: Yeah, look how this Tanner guy runs! He moves like his bowels have let go... This sucks. I mean, how could Refractions mess up so bad? Tanner, you suck ass! (obvious DRIV3R bashing)

    Sweet: Remember, we're reuniting the families, so no bullshit. Stay cool.
    Ryder: You know me, Sweet, cool as a Shaolin monk!
    Sweet: Especially you, Ryder.
    Ryder: What you mean? I resent your implication, and shit.

    "Smoking kills, unless you kill first."--Public Service Announcement

    Carl, singing: Never gonna get it
    Never gonna get it...biatch.

    Sign on the Gant Bridge: There are no easter eggs up here. Go away.

    Signs in bars: Beware: Pickpockets and Loose Women.

    "Coming up next, the most mind numbing thing since the lobotomy. Entertaining America!"

    Big Smoke: A lot of people say gangster rap is misogynistic posturing by fake- ass idiots who spend more time in drama school then they ever did pimping or hustling dope. Well I assure you, OG Loc is the real thing. He's hated women all his life, he sold drugs to school children, he's murdered innocent people just for kicks, but he rhymes like an angel. And I assure you, it's all in a good cause. So either way, you could feel good about yourself listening to this music.

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Site © Kimi aka Mika Sanjo, Layout made by InuYasha Romance, Main Image from Hidden Feelings
Sango and Miroku belong to Takahashi Rumiko