Hidden Feelings
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    Hahaha, my parents found this stuff last year. It's from, like, 20 years ago. Hahaha. The president then was Reagan. I'm gonna be using George W. Either way, I do believe the point is pretty clear. XD
    Warning: If you are a Republican, find another page NOW.

    The Gospel According to George W. Bush
    George Bush is my shepherd,
    I shall not want.

    He leadeth me beside still factories and
    Abandoned farms.

    He restoreth my doubt about the Republican Party.

    He anointeth my wages with taxes and inflation,
    So that my taxes runneth over my income.

    Surely Poverty and Hard Living shall follow the
    Republican Party.

    And I shall work on a rented farm and
    Dwell in a rented house for ever.

    Long ago, Moses Said:
    "Pack up your camel, pick up your shovel, move your ass, and I will lead you to the Promised Land."

    5000 Years Later, Franklin Delano Roosevelt Said:
    "Lay down your shovel, sit on your ass, light up a Camel--this is the Promised Land."

    This term, George W. Bush will take your shovel, sell your camel, kick your ass, and tell you he GAVE away the Promised Land.

    "I'm Glad I'm an American, I'm Glad I'm Free
    But I wish I were a dog, and Bush were a tree!

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Site © Kimi aka Mika Sanjo, Layout made by InuYasha Romance, Main Image from Hidden Feelings
Sango and Miroku belong to Takahashi Rumiko