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Eh heh heh...I'm only taking three classes at Piedmont Virginia Community College this semester! Yay! And I only go to school three days a week! w00t! My classes are Intermediate Algebra (yesh, I ish that math illiterate), Computer Applications (the class for which this webpage is for), and English 111. I want to do Web Design, and Comp. Apps. is a prerequisite for that course. Along with that, I also take a student development class (for first-year students). If you're in my compy class, here's that animated GIF:

It's from the animanga Naruto. They're super-deformed! So cute, right??
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You Know Today is Gonna Suck When...
What I've Learned from Cameron Tuttle
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Site © Kimi aka Mika Sanjo, Layout made by InuYasha Romance, Main Image from Hidden Feelings
Sango and Miroku belong to Takahashi Rumiko