I'm a member of over 600 fanlistings, but I don't feel like uploading six hundred buttons. >P So for now, the featured fanlistings are any InuYasha fanlistings, as well as featured musicians! Yay! I'm getting carried away with the fanlistings again! YAY! ^O^ I'm gonna be doing a featured FL rotation, until I've gotten all 600+ buttons up (most of those FLs I joined when I didn't have a website, which was March-ish). Depending on which one you click you will either see "Kimi" or "Mika Sanjo" (or in some cases, "Nanami"). Once that's done I'll be able to make separate listing pages :) What I'm gonna do is, next update, you'll see a link labelled "Other Fanlistings" on the Links Out Page.
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