Hidden Feelings
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The Bad Girl's Guide to Getting What You Want
    --> To ensure a great parking spot, drive around and pray three times out loud to Gladys, the Universal Parking Goddess:
    Gladys, Gladys, full of grace
    Help me find a parking space.

    --> If you get a parking ticket and there's another car parked illegally, slip the thing under THEIR wipers and be on your way. ^^

    --> If you can't afford a trip to the sauna, sit in your car in a bath towel during the summer with the windows rolled up for a few hours (errr, Mika's not so sure she wants to try this). Remember to drink water every hour!

    --> If you want to win every argument, fight with yourself.

    --> Excellent Ways to Lose Your Job: Mime. Wear a parka in the middle of the summer. Invent and talk to imaginary friends. Speak only in Pig Latin. When asked a question, answer by playing charades.

    --> Jumbo-size Post-its make cheap window shades.

    --> If you're getting grilled for being late, just say it was bad karma! "Birdshit landed on me and I had to go back home and change."

    --> Better yet, if you want to miss a good few days, say you're having minor surgery. Especially effective when you look perfectly healthy. People are gonna start imagining gross things.

    --> With your boss's business card, write "Nice job, you idiot!" on the back and stick on the windshields of badly-parked cars.

    --> On your résumé, don't say you sat around and got stoned all the time. Instead, say you did extensive pharmaceutical research.

    --> When a guy says he really gets into talking about feelings, he really means "I'll talk about feelings if it gets me into your pants."

    --> If you mumble, look into a job as a receptionist. XD

    --> At a job interview, eye contact is key. However, don't make eye contact and lick your lips, too. o__O

    --> Your boss says: "We have a change in strategy." What he means is, "We have no idea what we're doing."

    --> If you're looking for a cheap thrill...streak.

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Site © Kimi aka Mika Sanjo, Layout made by InuYasha Romance, Main Image from Hidden Feelings
Sango and Miroku belong to Takahashi Rumiko